FIre Station #1 Roof Evaluation

Town of Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC


Fire Station #1 is approximately 4,600 square feet and was built in the mid-1960s. The original roof system was a steep-sloped gravel-surfaced built-up roof on plywood secured to a metal deck. In the mid-to-late ’90s, framing with plywood deck was installed over the built-up roof and asphalt shingles were installed. The asphalt shingles have severely deteriorated, and the existing roof is not safely walkable.

The Town of Chapel Hill wanted to remove and replace the existing steep-sloped roof system. Atlas Engineering was asked to submit an initial proposal for providing an evaluation report with replacement recommendations. A proposal for design, bidding, and construction administration services was provided after the evaluation report was submitted and a replacement system was selected by the Town of Chapel Hill.